23 February 2011


It's move in week!  I can't believe it.  Friday we will be fully moved into the house!  Just a few days ago I thought - how are we going to pull this together?!?  But after I pulled up the paper from the floor and Matt cleaned the kitchen yesterday...it's starting to look liveable!  I thought I'd share a few pictures of the walls painted.  I haven't had much time to take any other pictures at this time.  Our couch arrived yesterday though.

Living room - It's sort of a mess and I used the flash so you can see the dust specks.

 There is the one wall that is a dark gray - LOVE this wall!
 The rest of the walls are a light gray (5 other walls)
 The room does NOT look like this anymore.  There is a couch in it now.
And what are your thoughts??  I was thinking of painting that door to the entryway RED.  Our room colors are Gray, white and accents of red.  Or should we paint it white?  Thoughts?  Reminder - we hope to sell this house someday, what would appeal to buyers?

And FINALLY, here is a video fo Matt using my new paint sprayer he gave me for my birthday....
I'm thinking SMALL projects for this paint sprayer... like my kitchen cabinets I'm repainting this summer and my wood projects.

1 comment:

Jade said...

I would go white on the door or leave the natural wood showing - I think both of those would have better resale value. Of course if you are going to be in the house for awhile, you could do whatever you like and repaint when you are ready to sale.